The workflow test environment

The workflow test environment [1] is built using the pytest framework. All workflows have tests that test minimal features of a workflow, such as listing rules or printing help messages. In addition, by installing the pytest plugin pytest_ngsfixtures, the workflows can be tested on small data sets.

Running workflow tests

There are two different ways to run the tests, depending on installation mode. If the _workflow was installed as a package, either via python install or a conda install, running

$ pytest --pyargs workflow

will run the tests. In addition, if pytest_ngsfixtures is installed, the workflow will be run on a small test data set.

lts_workflows provides a number of pytest options (see Additional options). Unfortunately, they are not loaded when running the tests as described above. Rather, the full path to the test file must be given for the options to load:

$ pytest /path/to/workflow/tests/ -h

The test suite will first setup and install local conda environments necessary for the tests, and then run the tests. Please note that the intended use of the local conda environments is to run the tests only, not to run analyses based on the workflows.

Alternatively, by applying the -D option the test conda enviroment setup is disabled. This obviously requires that the dependencies are already installed (see section Installing dependencies below).

Additional options

lts_workflows provides a helper function lts_workflows.pytest.plugin.addoptions() for adding pytest options. Depending on the workflow engine, different options are added. As an example, running the following setup code

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    group = parser.getgroup("ltssm_scrnaseq", "single cell rna sequencing options")

in a pytest conftest file will add the following options to the test suite:

single cell rna sequencing options:
  --no-slow             don't run slow tests
  -H, --hide-workflow-output
                        hide workflow output
  -T THREADS, --threads=THREADS
                        number of threads to use
  -D, --disable-test-conda
                        disable test conda setup; instead use user-supplied
                        environments, where the activated environment hosts
                        set conda install dir
  --conda-update        update local conda installation
  -2 PYTHON2_CONDA, --python2-conda=PYTHON2_CONDA
                        name of python2 conda environment [default: py2.7]
  -C, --use-conda       pass --use-conda flag to snakemake workflows; will
                        install conda environments on a rule by rule basis

All tests that execute workflows have been marked as slow. To disable these tests, add the --no-slow option. By default, workflow output is sent to stdout which is captured. If you want to follow progress, add the regular pytest -s option. The -T option states how many threads/processes snakemake will use and can be set to increase the speed of the slow tests. Finally, the test environment will check if there is a conda environment called py2.7 and if so, add the bin path to PATH. Use the -2 option if your python2 conda environment is named differently.

Note that the workflow directories should contain conda environment files environment.yaml and environment-27.yaml that define the depencies for a workflow. You can apply the latter to you python2 repository by issuing

$ conda env update -n python2env -f environment-27.yaml

Local conda installs

By default, the test setup will automatically download and install all required packages via conda to $HOME/.conda_env. By passing the option --disable-test-conda (or -D), dependencies will not be installed by default. The following sections describe the steps needed to setup personal conda environments with the required packages.

Installing dependencies with


Due to refactorization, this is currently broken; see issue #1.

The helper script can be employed to install required workflow dependencies in user-specified conda environments.

Semi-automated installation of snakemake and dependencies

Setup a conda python3 environment that hosts snakemake:

$ conda create -n py3.5 -c bioconda snakemake python=3.5

Some workflows have python2 program dependencies. Create a conda environment for these packages too:

$ conda create -n py2.7  python=2.7

Every workflow has a conda environment file, environment.yaml and possibly environment-27.yaml that list the necessary dependencies. You can update your conda python environments like so:

$ conda env update -n=py3.5 -f /path/to/environment.yaml
$ conda env update -n=py2.7 -f /path/to/environment-27.yaml

Semi-automated installation of snakemake and dependencies

Unfortunately, nextflow requires java sdk <=8.0, whereas gatk requires java sdk >=8.0. For this reason, it is recommended to install nextflow in a separate conda environment:

$ conda create -n py3.5 -c bioconda nextflow python=3.5

Test fixtures


Hints on developing workflows

Use the test run wrapper functions in lts_workflow.pytest.helpers to setup tests. They will create a file located in the test output directory that can be rerun to aid in debugging.

Testing external data sources

If you have data that you want to test, bot whose sample layout is not yet provided by the fixtures, you have to run snakemake as usual:

$ snakemake -s /path/to/Snakefile -d /path/to/sample_data --configfile /path/to/config.yaml targetname

You then obviously need to create a config file and a sampleinfo file. You can also use the factory functions in pytest_ngsfixtures to generate custom fixtures that resemble your sample layout.

[1]This section does not describe how to run the test suite for lts-workflows. Rather, it describes general features of running workflow tests. Obviously, a workflow has to be installed for this section to apply.