Developer guide


  • use the issue tracker
  • create feature branches and submit pull requests

Setting up a local copy

See installation section From sources.

Branching/development model

The development model is based on a stable master branch and an unstable develop branch. The master branch should be used in production. Pushing to master/develop has been disabled; only pull requests from feature branches are permitted.

Vincent Driessen’s branching model provides a good model for organizing the development process, and its adoption is recommended here. It adds some more branch types, of which three will be descriped below: feature, release and hotfix branches.

Feature branches

Feature branches hold new features for upcoming releases and are branched off develop. Feature branches should be prefixed with “feature/”:

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b "feature/myfeature"

Once you’ve added the feature you want, push the branch to bitbucket and create a pull request to the develop branch.

Release branches

Release branches group recent feature changes into a release set. More code additions can be made, although they should focus on minor fixes. Documentation updates are encouraged.

When creating a release branch, make sure you branch off develop. Furthermore, release branches should be prefixed with “release/”:

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b "release/X.X.X"

Upon creating a release branch, the version number must be bumped, preferably with bumpversion. First check that the changes do what you expect:

$ bumpversion --dry-run --verbose --new-version X.X.X part

Note that the part argument should be set to either patch, minor or major, depending on what part is to be updated. If everything looks ok, bump the version with

$ bumpversion --new-version X.X.X part

The configuration is setup not to tag the commit. Since merging is done on bitbucket, the release tag must be assigned manually to the master branch, once the release been merged.

When the release branch is finished it is merged into master and master is backmerged into develop. See the gitflow cheat sheet for more information.


Occasionally, things break on the master branch that require immediate fixing. This is what hotfixes are for. Importantly, updates to master must also be merged immediately with develop to keep it in sync. gitflow (see following section) has builtin support for hotfixes.

Ideally, all hotfixes should be accompanied by a regression test, so that the error doesn’t pop up again.

Using gitflow

It may help to use gitflow to organise work, as it is based on Vincent Driessen’s branching model. The commands simplify the task of creating feature branches and hotfixes.

To setup gitflow, issue the following in the source code directory:

$ git flow init

which produces (press ENTER at each question):

Which branch should be used for bringing forth production releases?
   - master
Branch name for production releases: [master]
Branch name for "next release" development: [develop]

How to name your supporting branch prefixes?
Feature branches? [feature/]
Bugfix branches? [bugfix/]
Release branches? [release/]
Hotfix branches? [hotfix/]
Support branches? [support/]
Version tag prefix? []
Hooks and filters directory? [/path/to/source/.git/hooks]

Then, to create a feature branch, simply type

$ git flow feature start test

which produces

Switched to a new branch 'feature/test'

Summary of actions:
  - A new branch 'feature/test' was created, based on 'develop'
  - You are now on branch 'feature/test'

Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use:

    git flow feature finish test


do not issue the finish command locally as it will merge the feature branch into develop. Merging is only done on bitbucket.


For all problems, small or large, use the issue tracker instead of sending emails! The main motivation is that all developers should be able to follow the discussion and history of any issue of general interest.

Adding a workflow


WIP: Describe minimum requirements, including

  1. tests for all sample organizations
  2. example snakefiles and configurations

Continuous integration

As the number of collaborators on a project grows, code integration problems frequently occur. Continuous integration is a method for dealing with these issues. Typically, whenever a push is done to the repository, tests are automatically run on a test server. bitbucket has recently added a service called Pipelines which gives some support for CI. It runs integration tests in Docker containers. lts-workflows provides a Docker container that packages the basic dependencies for running tests. Each workflow then provides a separate Docker container that builds on the lts-workflows container, adding workflow-specific dependencies, for running tests.