Configuration guide

The configuration guide provides a basic overview of the general options and settings layout for the supported workflow managers. Please refer to the workflow documentation pages for more specifice instructions regarding a particular workflow.

Currently, the supported workflow managers are:

  • snakemake: a workflow management system written in python
  • nextflow: a fluent DSL for data-driven computational pipelines


Snakemake can be configured through a configuration file that is passed either via the --configfile command line option, or the Snakefile configfile: directive. Once loaded, the configuration settings can be accessed through the global python object config.

Internally, configuration objects are python dictionaries, where the keys correspond to configuration options. This has the unfortunate consequence that it is difficult to provide a documentation API to the options. This text tries to address this issue, albeit in an unsufficient manner. As a last resort, for now at least, one simply has to look at the source code to get an idea of what the options do. In most cases though, the key names themselves should give an idea of what behaviour they target.

It is important to keep in mind that no validation of user-supplied configuration files is done. Consequently, should the user supply a non-defined configuration key, it will passed unnoticed by Snakemake. This can be frustrating when debugging; you are sure that you have changed a configuration value, only to notice later that the configuration key was misspelled.


The configuration is constructed as a hierarchy of at most three levels:[1]


The section level corresponds to an application, or a configuration group of more general nature. The subsection can either be a new configuration grouping, or an option to be set. For applications, the subsection often corresponds to a given rule. Finally, at the option level, an option is set.

Configuration sections

For each workflow, there is a subdirectory named rules. The directory contains rules organized by directories and settings files that provide default configuration values. Every rule directory has its own settings file. There are two top-level settings file located directly in the rules directory, namely main.settings and ngs.settings.


The settings section defines configurations of a general nature.

  sampleinfo: sampleinfo.csv
  email: # email
     java_mem: 8g
     java_tmpdir: /tmp
  runfmt: "{SM}/{SM}_{PU}"
  samplefmt: "{SM}/{SM}"
  threads: 8
    - picard_merge_sam

For all settings, see rules/main.settings.

Importantly, many of these settings are inherited by the application rules, so that changing threads to 4 in settings, will set the number of threads for all configurations that inherit this option. However, you can fine-tune the behaviour of the inheriting rules to override the value in settings; see Application settings.

Here, the most important option is sampleinfo, which must be set. The runfmt and samplefmt options describe how the data is organized. They represent python miniformat strings, where the entries correspond to columns in the sampleinfo file; hence, in this case, the column SM and PU must be present in the sampleinfo file. So, given the following sampleinfo file


samplefmt will be formatted as s1/s1 and runfmt as s1/s1_AAABBB11XX or s1/s1_AAABBB22XX, depending on the run. The formatted strings are used in the workflows as prefixes to identify targets. Rules that operate on the runfmt will be prefixed by s1/s1_AAABBB11XX or s1/s1_AAABBB22XX, rules that operate on the sample level (i.e. after merging) will be prefixed by s1/s1.

Currently, the tests define three different sample organizations.

  runfmt: "{SM}/{SM}_{PU}_{DT}"
  samplefmt: "{SM}/{SM}"
  runfmt: "{SM}/{PU}_{DT}/{SM}_{PU}_{DT"}
  samplefmt: "{SM}/{SM}"
  runfmt: "{SM}/{PID}/{PU}_{DT}/{PID}_{PU}_{DT"}
  samplefmt: "{SM}/{SM}"

However, it is trivial to add more configurations, should that be deemed necessary.



The ngs.settings section is slightly disorganized.

ngs.settings affect settings related to ngs analyses:

        annot_label: ""
        transcript_annot_gtf: ""
        sources: []
        dbsnp: ""
    ref: ref.fa
        transcripts: []
        build: ""
  fastq_suffix: ".fastq.gz"
  read1_label: "_1"
  read2_label: "_2"
  read1_suffix: ".fastq.gz"
  read2_suffix: ".fastq.gz"
  regions: []
    bait_regions: []
        target_regions: []

For all settings, see rules/ngs.settings.


The samples section is one of the few top-level configuration keys that are actually set, in this case to a list of sample names.

Application settings

Applications, i.e. bioinformatics software, are grouped in sections by their application name. Subsections correspond to rules, or subprograms. For instance, the entire bwa section looks as follows (with a slight abuse of notation as we here mix yaml with python objects):

  cmd: bwa
  ref: config['ngs.settings']['db']['ref']
  index: ""
  index_ext: ['.amb', '.ann', '.bwt', '.pac', '.sa']
  threads: config['settings']['threads']

Setting option threads would then override the value in settings, providing a means to fine-tune options on a per-application basis.

Workflow settings

Finally, the workflows comes with a configuration section called workflow.



[1]Note that the configuration structure can vary depending on workflow since different developers work on different workflows. The structure described in this document was developed for the first iteration of the workflows.